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What is "Personal-Branding" that leads to career success?



As we enter the era of longevity -100 years of life, and the concept of "retirement" is changing, it has become possible to work on what you want to do, build a career that you find rewarding, and sustain it. However, many people may not have a clear idea of what to do regarding career development. Many people in their 50s and 60s are still confused about their jobs. Young people who have graduated with a university degree or have studied abroad wonder how to apply their experience to their careers. Regardless of the generation, there is no end to the worries about career development.

BrainMaid provides coaching and consulting services for human resources and organizational development to help people build their ideal careers. Here are ideas and insights about the mindset and approaches that support desirable career choices that we want to share. (This article in Japanese was released in Nichigo Press Australia

Create your own unique story

The way you build your career is up to you, but the first thing to do is envision what you want to do and who you want to be in the future. Then, you need to think about how to draw a path to get there, what you need to learn, and what kind of experience you need to gain. Many of us understand the importance of this as a matter of course, but in reality, we often find ourselves wondering what we want to do, whether this is the right thing to do, or whether we could do things differently. There are two main reasons for this.

The first is that you have not created a story of your career vision. The second factor is a lack of awareness of how one's career relates to society and the world—creating a career path and having your own story to make that path a reality will communicate more richly and connect one encounter to the next new opportunity. It is important to include yourself as the main character in your story and the changes in the environment around you (society, relationships, and the state of the world).

By talking about how your career development can provide value to the people around you, you will create new possibilities and put yourself in a better position to stand out from the crowd.

What is a "Personal-Branding" guided by a Career Coach?

BrainMaid partners with the client in career coaching to help identify needs and support career development concepts, strategies, and practices to achieve sustainable career success using diagnostic tools.

We believe humans are more creative when they look to the future so that we will help the client develop a clear career vision and goals, build your story, and lead you to action by keeping your eyes firmly on the future through coaching to guide you to move.

The coaching process allows you to deepen your awareness and think about challenging and complex questions, resulting in discoveries and a deeper understanding of your beliefs, values, and ways of thinking. You will learn how to build your story and branding to clarify your difference to reflect on yourself, win better opportunities, and the coach becomes a solid ally to help clients get the career they truly want.

Additional viewpoint from the HR expert

Another critical aspect of career development is appropriately understanding the job market, industry, and salary levels. Many people tend to prioritize the content of the job, the title, and how much you can get paid, but if you make easy choices there, it may make your career development difficult later on. For example, if you start your career with a lower salary than the market benchmark and compromise it, that will be a difficult road to bring it up to the standard later on.

Another point to note is disruptive technologies such as AI and digitalization may affect your job due to the wrinkles in hiring even the industry is on-demand now. However, even in such cases, if you have a solid knowledge of the market and the industry, you will be able to cope with the situation while acquiring alternative skills and expertise.

BrainMaid provides advice on such HR aspects and offers comprehensive support for building your ideal career, including defining your career direction through coaching and creating a strategic plan and branding for it.

Currently, the shortage of human resources is a serious problem in Japan. Said people who have lived abroad with a global mindset are in high demand for many Japanese companies. BrainMaid will help clients recognize their value and find employment, so it will be a reliable presence for those thinking of finding a job when returning to Japan after studying or living abroad.

Career development will also be very different in the new era of life longevity. There are a wide variety of plans available, so you can be sure to find one that meets your needs. The company offers a free 30-minute consultation to find the right coaching plan for the potential client.

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